To Love A Child, Inc. is a legally registered not for profit organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible under section 170 of the Code. We are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code.
Employer Identification Number: 26-4756033 Tax Exempt Number: 248337.
December Angel Match 2023!
Our "Angel" is matching donations dollar-for-dollar up to a total of $10,000! This will have an enormous impact on keeping our projects going and making a huge impact on children, families and communities.
Our "Angel" is matching donations dollar-for-dollar up to a total of $10,000! This will have an enormous impact on keeping our projects going and making a huge impact on children, families and communities.
Here's how your donations can help:
A $25 donation will provide:
-a basic hygiene kit for men to be distributed at our medical clinic in Zimbabwe to include razors, Vaseline, deodorant, washcloth, soap, nail clippers and nail files -a basic hygiene kit for women to be distributed at our medical clinic in Zimbabwe to include combs, shampoo, Vaseline, washcloth, soap, nail clippers and nail files A $50 donation will provide: -a month's salary for a teacher In Haiti -fresh meat and produce for one class to be used by our local Jr. Culinary Class to cook and share as a meal -a sponsorship for a local child to go on an educational field trip during Spring Break 2024 A $100 donation will provide: -a variety of medicine to be distributed to approximately 25 adults at our clinic in Zimbabwe in 2024 to include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, muscle rub, antacid tabs, cough medicine, cough drops, liquid tears, bacitracin, calamine lotion, and antibiotic lotion. Please note we see over 150 adults in our clinic. -a variety of medicine and supplies for approximately 25 infants and children to be distributed at our clinic in Zimbabwe in 2024 to include Acetaminophen liquid, drops and chews, cough medicine, Pedialyte, diaper rash cream, baby spoons, washcloths, Ibuprofen liquid drop and chews, thermometers and sore throat lollipops. Please note, we will see over 100 children in our clinic. A $200 donation will provide: -lunch for 40 local children for 3 days during our Spring Break educational series. -a window for our medical clinic in Zimbabwe A $350 donation will provide: -a door frame, door and hardware for the medical clinic in Zimbabwe -food and produce for our local Jr. Culinary students and their families at the year-end celebration and showcase in 2024 A $400 donation will provide: -food for all the students at Rantlamouaie Primary School in Haiti for a month -food for all the volunteer builders for a month in Zimbabwe who are gifting their time to construct the medical clinic A $500 donation will provide: -materials to build the walls of the medical clinic in Zimbabwe (sand, stone, bricks and delivery fee) -activity supplies and materials for our local 3-day educational Spring Break camp in 2024 |