At the end of July our team will be heading to Haiti and spending most of our time in the village of Rantlamouaie. We are blessed to have Drs. Kane and Cole join us again. The trip is just 8 weeks away and we need to purchase alot of medicines. As you may recall,on the last medical mission we had to send a courier to the Dominican Republic twice inorder to restock our suplies. This time we want to be fully prepared. Please consider sending a donation to To Love a Child, PO Box 165, Clifton Park, NY so that medicine can be purchased. Credit cards and paypal are also convenient ways of donating. Thank you so much!
Monday, June 3rd at 6:30 p.m. For more information call 518-859-4424.
Thank you to everyone who donated supplies for this shipment. We will be unloading the container the last week of July and will be sure to send photos of this next phase of this project. Thanks to all the folks that helped sort, pack and load. It was alot of work and we so appreciate your help!
Hope still hates to get her feet wet!
Little Hope has been in the USA 15 months now. But, she isn't little any more! She came here weighing 10 lbs. and now she is almost 40. All that good American food! Hope is as energetic as ever. We're very happy she has stopped digging holes in our backyard. Hope is extremely loving and affectionate--sometimes a bit too much--but we still love her and are happy we could give her a good life here in the states.
Two of our volunteers, Bob and Amy. Thank you.
It's been a very busy 2 weeks with all the preparation, loading, sorting and packing. Thanks to so many generous donors we will have a FULL shipment. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with this shipment. We couldn't do it without you. Step back into the 30’s! A party full of fun and suspense! Great Food and Moonshine from the Still Music by Sonny and Perley Door Prizes and the opening of three safes full of great prizes! $20 per person includes admission, eligibility for door prizes and one additional raffle ticket. Write [email protected] to make your reservation. It was a pleasure meeting the women at SUNY Albany in the 2013 Fellows on Women & Public Policy Class as well as the students from the MALIK Fraternity and the Haitian Students Association. We look forward to seeing you all again in the future.
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April 2022