Our team of 4 is off to Zimbabwe for two weeks. We will be working on many projects while we are there and we will bring home many photos and stories to share. Our next newsletter will be out as soon as we return. Invitations for our annual dinner are in the mail.
Jean Zaché Duracin, Bishop of Haiti, has been invited by Bishop William H. Love of the Diocese of Albany to visit the Capital District in November. The Bishop will meet with To Love a Child and other Empire Haiti Coalition partners to discuss the work that is taking place in Haiti. On Thursday, November 15th a concert and reception will be held at the Cathedral of All Saints in Albany in recognition of his visit.
Bishop Duracin, was made homeless by the devastating earthquake in 2010 which forced him to live in a tent city in downtown Port au Prince where he cared for 3,000 other homeless victims. More than 100 of the diocese's churches were damaged or destroyed including the beautiful Cathédrale Sainte Trinité (Holy Trinity Cathedral) in Port-au-Prince. At least four of the diocese's 254 schools, ranging from pre-schools to a university and seminary, were destroyed. Haiti is numerically the largest diocese in the church with more than 83,000 Episcopalians in 169 congregations served by just 37 clergy. To Love a Child looks forward to his visit. More information on the concert will be out soon. |
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April 2022