New or gently used maternity tops, dresses, or skirts, maternity panties, pre-natal vitamins
sterile scalpel blades, white shoe laces, gauze pads, bars of soap, washcloths, disposable plastic birthing matts, disposable gloves, good quality safety pins, ladies panties, alcohol pads, plastic bags for trash, tooth brushes and toothpaste, new or gently used sleepers, t-shirts or Onesies (sizes newborn to 12 months), light weight baby blankets, cloth diapers, plastic pants, diaper pines, rattles or small infant toys, baby soap, baby towels, cloth drawstring bags, powdered laundry soap, infant nail clippers, and newborn hats. We are also in need of soft flannel to sew reusable menstrual pads.
If you can help us collect any of these items, please contact: Cindy at 518-859-4424 or [email protected]
Thanks to all the ladies out there sewing the reusable menstrual pads and drawstring bags--we so appreciate your help!