The baby appears
to have a birth defect called meningomyelocele. It is a failure of the spine bones to close properly over the spinal cord. It can happen anywhere on the spine. Fortunately for Wilson, it appears to be at the base of the lower spine (sacrum). Because of the location, he is spared paralysis and incontinence. His defect is treatable surgically with a very high level of function anticipated. The meningomyelocele is often caused by nutritional deficiencies in early pregnancy. In this case, folic acid deficiency. This class of defects is called "neural tube defects".
Baby Wilson needs to go to the Dominican Republic for surgery. The cost of the surgery is $750 and also includes: transportation
to and from the hospital , one week stay in the hospital for baby Wilson and one week lodging for his parents and the translator, transportation for a follow-up visit, follow-up consultation fee, medications, antibiotics, dressings, and food for baby Wilson, parents and translator during their stay in the Dominican Republic.
We already have the generous support of one donor at the $100 level. Will you help too, please..... All supporters will receive updates and reports on Wilson's progress.
Thank you for your consideration.